Experts in Green Public Procurement and sustainable development
Forum Compraverde Buygreen is promoted and organized by Fondazione Ecosistemi in collaboration with several partners and sponsors. Behind the event there is a group of experts in the field of Green Public Procurement and sustainable development who design, develop and promote the forum with a single objective: to disseminate green and sustainable procurement in order to facilitate the path towards the green transition for companies and public administrations.
Silvano Falocco
General Director
General Director
Gianna Le Donne
Head of Institutional Relations
Head of Institutional Relations
Giorgio Galotti
Head of Business Area & Buygreen Community
Head of Business Area & Buygreen Community
Ilda Hidri
Head of Communication and Marketing
Head of Communication and Marketing
Serena Risi
Head of Administration & Organizational Coordination
Head of Administration & Organizational Coordination
Giorgia Balducci
Logistic & organizational aspects
Logistic & organizational aspects
Maria De Gregorio
GPP Academy & Compraverde Award
GPP Academy & Compraverde Award
Sabina Nicolella
Social procurement & We Change
Social procurement & We Change
Nina Vetri
GPP Area
GPP Area
Dana Vocino
GPP Area
GPP Area
Alberta Congeduti
European Projects
European Projects
Manuele Marcozzi
Stakeholder engagement
Stakeholder engagement
Simona Cipollaro
Participatory processes
Participatory processes