Green Public Procurement monitoring to support the green transition
Forum Compraverde Buygreen presents several exclusive annual surveys including: The numbers of Green Public Procurement in Italy with the Green Procurement Observatory, the Sustainability Monitor Report with the Buygreen Community, the Green RePort on the sustainability of ports in Italy and We Green, the catalogue of organisations with ideas and projects with innovative, environmental and social content.

The report is realised by the Osservatorio Appalti Verdi (Green Procurement Observatory) set up by Legambiente and Fondazione Ecosistemi for the diffusion and the correct application of the current regulations on GPP, in Italy and in Europe.

The report is realised by the Osservatorio Appalti Verdi (Green Procurement Observatory) set up by Legambiente and Fondazione Ecosistemi for the diffusion and the correct application of the current regulations on GPP, in Italy and in Europe.

The We Green catalog is dedicated to sustainability-oriented companies that create green products and services to support events.

Sustainability Monitor Report 2022
Forum Compraverde exclusively presents the data on the sustainability report of the supply chains of large Italian companies. The annual report publication is produced by Fondazione Ecosistemi together with the Buygreen Community, the network of public enterprises with the aim of promoting Green Procurement and the Green Value Chain.

Forum Compraverde Buygreen presents a preview of the survey involving public administrations and private entities (companies and private organisations) that have won one or more of the Compraverde Buygreen Awards over the years. In collaboration with
the Department of Economic and Business Sciences “Marco Fanno” (DSEA) of the University of Padua and Fondazione Ecosistemi.

The numbers of Green Public Procurement in Italy 2022
Forum Compraverde Buygreen presents an annual preview of the data from the monitoring of Green Public Procurement (GPP) in Italy. The report is realised by the Osservatorio Appalti Verdi (Green Procurement Observatory) for the diffusion and the correct application of the current regulations on GPP, in Italy and in Europe.

The numbers of Green Public Procurement in Italy 2020
Forum Compraverde Buygreen presents an annual preview of the data from the monitoring of Green Public Procurement (GPP) in Italy in 2020. The report is realised by the Osservatorio Appalti Verdi (Green Procurement Observatory) for the diffusion and the correct application of the current regulations on GPP, in Italy and in Europe.

Forum Compraverde Buygreen presents an annual preview of the data from the monitoring of Green Public Procurement (GPP) in Italy. The report is realised by the Osservatorio Appalti Verdi (Green Procurement Observatory) for the diffusion and the correct application of the current regulations on GPP, in Italy and in Europe.

Forum Compraverde exclusively presents the data on the sustainability report of the supply chains of large Italian companies. The annual report publication is produced by Fondazione Ecosistemi together with the Buygreen Community, the network of public enterprises with the aim of promoting Green Procurement and the Green Value Chain.

Sustainability Monitor Report 2020
Forum Compraverde exclusively presents the data on the sustainability report of the supply chains of large Italian companies. The annual report publication is produced by Fondazione Ecosistemi together with the Buygreen Community, the network of public enterprises with the aim of promoting Green Procurement and the Green Value Chain.