Compraverde Award
The best experiences of Green Public Procurement
Every year, the Forum Compraverde Buygreen selects and rewards the best Green Public Procurement experiences, with a particular focus on collective catering, cultural activities and sustainable building. The Forum promotes the most significant experiences that integrate social, environmental and sustainability criteria into public purchasing processes, contributing to the creation of a greener and more responsible future.
After a careful selection and evaluation process involving leading international experts, the Compraverde Buygreen Award is assigned in the following 9 sections, each dedicated to specific areas of sustainability and Green Public Procurement. This process aims to recognise best practices in green purchasing and sustainable policies at a national and international level.
The award is aimed at public administrations that have distinguished themselves for the systematic adoption of ecological criteria in public tenders, through the publication of green tenders as a tool to promote sustainable purchasing practices.
The award recognises the commitment of administrations to favour the adoption of solutions that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability, thus becoming models for other organisations. The award is given in collaboration with the Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane.
The award is aimed at companies that have systematically and comprehensively adopted sustainability criteria in their procurement processes, with a particular focus on supplier selection and qualification. The award celebrates the commitment of companies to integrate sustainable practices throughout their supply chain, contributing to the promotion of a more responsible and sustainability-oriented market.
The award is dedicated to companies that have distinguished themselves for adopting innovative solutions in the building sector, designing, developing, producing and marketing building materials and components with a low environmental impact. This award recognises companies that, through the choice of eco-innovative, local and renewable materials, contribute to reducing the negative effects on the environment, promoting sustainable building practices during all phases of the product life cycle.
The award recognises public administrations that have distinguished themselves for the implementation and effective promotion of Green Public Procurement (GPP), helping to encourage the integration of environmental criteria in purchasing policies and sustainability strategies.
This award recognises the concrete commitment of administrations in promoting responsible and environmentally friendly public procurement practices. The award is given in collaboration with the Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane.
The award is aimed at cultural events and film production activities that have distinguished themselves for their commitment to reducing the environmental impact generated during their production. The award recognises efforts to integrate environmental and social aspects into the purchasing of goods and services, promoting more sustainable practices in the cultural and film sectors.
The award is a recognition for healthcare organisations and hospitals that have distinguished themselves in adopting green purchasing practices, actively contributing to the reduction of the environmental impact of their activities. This award celebrates the commitment to improving environmental sustainability and public health, using purchasing as a tool to promote more ecological and responsible solutions in the healthcare sector.
The award is dedicated to canteens, both public and private, that stand out for their particular commitment to the quality of the food they offer, favouring organic, locally sourced, seasonal and fair-trade products. The award also celebrates the attention to reducing the environmental and social impact of canteen management and recognises the adoption of sustainable practices that contribute to the collective well-being and protection of the environment. The award is given in collaboration with General Beverage.
The award is dedicated to Public Administrations that promote the protection of the dignity of labour and of human, social and trade union rights by including social criteria in their calls for tenders. This award recognises the commitment of administrations to favour purchasing practices that not only respect the environment but also contribute to the creation of a fairer and more inclusive labour market, reinforcing the values of equity and solidarity in the context of public procurement.
The award is a recognition for sports organisations that have adopted green purchasing practices, actively contributing to the reduction of environmental impacts and promoting health. The award celebrates the commitment to making the sports sector more sustainable, using purchasing as a tool to adopt ecological solutions that promote people’s well-being and environmental protection.