Oct 11, 2024 | News
Comprehensive global policies addressing the entire plastics lifecycle can reduce plastic leakage into the environment by 96% by 2040, according to a new OECD report. By implementing a mix of policies – from enhancing plastic waste management and recycling, to curbing...
Jan 18, 2024 | News
Sustainable food procurement, as shown by countless studies and good practices across Europe, is an effective mechanism to promote healthy diets, fight malnutrition, combat food insecurity, foster the demand for fair and organic products and support small-scale...
May 15, 2023 | News
On Wednesday, May 17, Compraverde 2023 is scheduled to host a working table to promote policies for the introduction of a comprehensive approach to healthy and sustainable food in schools entitled National policy dialogue – School Food for Change: integrating...
May 15, 2023 | News
Forum Compraverde Buygreen, the leading event in Italy and Europe for public and private Green Procurement policies, projects, goods and services, promoted by Fondazione Ecosistemi will be held on May 17 and 18 in Rome, at Palazzo WeGil in Largo Ascianghi 5. The key...
Apr 21, 2023 | News
According to a recent poll, 93% of Europeans agree that the food offered in public spaces, like schools and hospitals, should be guaranteed to be healthy. In a Europe where 1 in 3 school-aged children is obese or overweight and 24.4% of children are at risk of poverty...
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